Internet Safety Policy
Welwyn Pegasus FC has adopted the guidelines set out by The FA in relation to internet safety. All concerned should adopt these procedures when using the internet to communicate or post information.
Coaches, Managers, Club Officials & Refs
Once you have placed something on the internet it is in the public domain – that means anyone can access it, change it and share it with others. Bear this in mind when you are using your club website to host information for or about players.
• Avoid using player profiles – do not provide personal contact details of players
• Always ensure you have parental permission to use any photos of players
• Avoid placing the full name of players who feature in photographs
• If a child in your club is concerned about the way someone has communicated with them online, report this to your Club Welfare Officer*
• If you use the internet to communicate with players be aware of what you say and how you say it
• Best practice would be to avoid engaging in one to one conversations with players via chat rooms
• If you are concerned about the way a player is attempting to contact you via the internet e.g. using a social networking site or a chat area, speak to your Club Welfare Officer* immediately
• Remember you are in a position of trust as a coach, team manager, referee or medic.
• Know what your children are doing online and who they are talking to. Ask them to teach you to use any applications you have never used, such as a social networking site or online chat rooms
• Help your children to understand that they should never give out personal details to online friends - personal information includes their instant messenger id, email address, mobile phone number and any pictures of themselves, their family or friends -if your child publishes a picture or video online – anyone can change it or share it and it may be online forever
• If your child receives SPAM/ junk email and texts remind them never to believe them, reply to them or use them
• It’s not a good idea for your child to open files that are from people they don’t know. They won’t know what they contain – it could be a virus or worse. Help your child to understand that some people may not tell the truth online and therefore internet friends should remain online. They should never meet up with any strangers in the real world without an adult they trust being present.
• Always make sure your child feels comfortable in being able to come to you or someone they trust if they are worried about anything online. Teach young people how to block someone online and report them if they feel uncomfortable. Most sites will have guidance on this and any reports can be made directly to the CEOP Centre via www.ceop.police.uk.